Does facial cleansing brush really useful?

Usually when washing the face, many people will use the face brush, so is the face brush really useful? In fact, it has a certain effect on helping us clean the skin, because it can effectively massage the skin mechanically, and it can also play a certain role in exfoliating.


The cleaning effect of the face brush comes from mechanical friction. The bristles are very thin, and can touch the skin lines and hair follicle openings that cannot be touched by hands. This is true whether it is reciprocating vibration or circular rotation. The reciprocating vibration has a smaller range of movement of the bristles, so the friction is smaller than that of the circular type, so the exfoliating force is relatively weaker (mild).

What kind of skin can use the cleansing brush?

1. For aging skin with thick stratum corneum, real acne skin, T-zone of mixed skin, oily skin without barrier damage, you can use a facial cleansing brush.

By exfoliating and cleansing, the skin can have a smoother, more delicate appearance. It will also improve the whiteheads and blackheads in the T zone. Considering the renewal cycle of the skin, it does not need to be used too frequently, once or twice a week is enough.

2. For sensitive skin, inflammatory skin and dry skin, it is not recommended to use a facial cleansing brush.

This type of skin barrier is damaged, lacks sebum membrane, thin cuticle, and lacks lipids between cuticle cells. What is needed is protection, not double cleaning. This powerful cleansing and exfoliating function can aggravate barrier damage and dilate capillaries.

3. Normal skin, neutral skin, just use it occasionally

Use it occasionally and don't let it hurt the skin. Use twice a day, each area for up to ten or twenty seconds each time.


Post time: Feb-15-2023